Why do I pay an advance on the financing?
Precisely because we finance your vehicle with our own resources, this advance serves to cover potential risks and always stay ahead of the market value of the commercial vehicle.
The possibility/chance/solution to have your own truck at your disposal very quickly, with which you can immediately generate your own turnover and develop your own business. Payments are made in monthly instalments over an average period of 3 to 5 years, depending on the vehicle chosen.
Through our network and experience we can source quality trucks from all over Europe and we also know which administration is required in which country. If you are operating in BE/DE/NU/FR or ES, we will make sure that you do not have to do all that administration again.
We focus on second-hand vehicles, because as you know, it doesn't matter whether you generate your turnover with a brand new "king of the road" or with a rock-solid second-hand vehicle with, say, 400,000 km on the counter, but at the end of the month, our formula will be more advantageous to you.
Your vehicle will have received an initial maintenance. In addition, your vehicle will be checked on 15 points. By paying a small monthly fee, you are guaranteed to have your vehicle repaired at My-Trucks' expense, thus avoiding major costs.
At My-Trucks there is 96% acceptance on our files. We look at your ability to generate sales from tomorrow with your truck and we don't care if you have proven in the past to be able to do this or not. If it doesn't work out as expected, you bring the vehicle back in and we'll see what we can do.
Our inspection will provide tires with a minimum tread of 50%. On top of this we offer a track & trace system with login code so you can follow your vehicle at all times.
Precisely because we finance your vehicle with our own resources, this advance serves to cover potential risks and always stay ahead of the market value of the commercial vehicle.
At My-Trucks, we finance commercial vehicles with our own resources, without involving a bank. This means we operate in a completely different way compared to traditional solutions like banks. All we need from you is your driver’s license, ID card, and your company bank card.
Because you want to grow your business and need financial resources to fund that growth, you first approach the bank. However, due to a less favorable financial period, the bank is unwilling to support your growth plans.
Where the bank hesitates to provide financing, we believe in you as an entrepreneur. The result: no less than 96% of all applications are approved, and that within 48 hours.
At My-Trucks, we finance commercial vehicles with our own funds, without the involvement of a bank. This allows us to operate in a completely different way from traditional solutions like banks. Where a bank refuses to provide financing, we believe in you as an entrepreneur. The result: no less than 96% of all applications are approved, and that within 48 hours.
You have a C driving licence, may even have been driving around in salaried employment for a while and it excites you to start as an independent truck driver. So, in order to start working for your own customers, you are looking for your own, quality truck. My-Trucks finances your truck on hire purchase without the intervention of a bank, saving you time as a driver. Choose a truck in our car park or suggest your own vehicle.
Hire purchase is a form of buying on credit. You want to buy a commercial vehicle, but you do not have enough money to pay for the vehicle yourself in full. In that case hire purchase is an option. You make a down payment, get the commercial vehicle and then pay back the remaining amount in fixed monthly instalments. We calculate the monthly instalment or rent in such a way that at the end of the period the sale goes through. So, with hire purchase the commercial vehicle is your own paid-up property at the end of the period. This is not the case with leasing!